What to Expect

Welcome to the Muslim Youth Camp! Our educational program is interesting and well-structured, Alhamdulillah. Our recreational program, which includes arts & crafts, water and field sports, and challenge and teamwork activities, has proven to be active and motivational. Insha-Allah, we will have the benefit of living this one week out of the entire year surrounded by Muslim peers, conducting all of our activities in an Islamic environment. Alhamdulillah, we have been granted this wonderful opportunity to integrate Islam into our lives in a rewarding and exciting way. With the help of Allah, your dedication and positive attitude, we can develop this camp into a truly rich experience. Let’s make it work!


The camp fee is $525 per person. This covers all food, lodging, and activities. There is a snack bar at which campers may purchase snacks and drinks once a day, so each camper may optionally bring up to $20 cash to the camp for this.


Registration fee includes: three meals per day, a bed in an enclosed cabin, all recreational activities, Islamic education provided by knowledgeable teachers, and first aid services.


Three full meals will be provided daily in the cafeteria by the camp staff. All meat will be zabiha. Accommodations include large cabins, bunk beds and separate standard bathroom facilities.


EDUCATIONAL: The Educational Program is directed toward issues important to Muslim youth, reflecting the theme. This theme will be presented in workshops and discussions led by knowledgeable Muslims.

Campers will also participate in:

  • The five daily prayers
  • Study of Qur’an and Hadith
  • Islamic etiquette
  • Learning numerous duas and hadith related to daily life.

Thus, Insha-Allah, not only will we be learning in detail how to assimilate Islam, but throughout the week, there will be opportunities to put this knowledge to task. We will strengthen our Iman and our will to act in accordance with Islam, experience the profound dignity of Islam and realize our responsibilities living in this country.

RECREATIONAL: Recreational activities include field and water sports, nature, arts and crafts, team-building activities and campfire. Field sports may include volleyball, softball, archery, ultimate frisbee, and others. Water sports include canoeing and swimming. Hiking and nature walks are a part of the Nature program, and team building activities include trust-building exercises, teamwork and other challenges. Everyone is given a choice of activities.

Everyone will be required to wear a life preserver in the lake or river. Qualified lifeguards will supervise all waterfront activities. Arts and crafts activities will give campers a chance to use their creative abilities through various artistic media.

Campfire: Campers will participate in campfire games and skits based on Islamic issues.


Juice, soda, candy, granola snacks and ice cream will be offered, in addition to other campsite merchandise. Upon entering camp, campers will deposit their money ($20 is recommended) with the snack bar and the amount of each purchase will be deducted from this deposit. The balance will be refunded at the end of the camp.